Tips to Promote Car Dealership

You can promote a car dealership service department in a variety of ways.  They include:

  • Showing the dealership’s service department.
  • Showing testimonials that highly competitive advantage.  Find your raving fans.
  • Answering the most frequent questions to position the dealership’s expertise.


The service manager has an opportunity to connect with viewers.  They want someone they can trust.  Service managers or anyone speaking about their company should follow this key recommendation:

Be yourself.

When you’re authentic, people are more apt to trust you.  If you’re trying to project an image of someone you’re not, it won’t work.  People see through you.

Our video for this Volkswagen dealership was straight forward.  No need to complicate things.  As you watch it, think:

  • How it makes you feel about the dealership.
  • What you learn.
  • What engaged you the most?
  • The least?
  • What you see as their competitive advantage?
  • Whether it makes you want to try the dealership out.
  • How clear was the call to action?
  • How you can apply the above observations to your next project?

Leverage the power of social media

Don’t try to be on every social media site online. Instead, focus on distributing quality content on a few of the most popular sites, such as Twitter and Facebook.

If your social media pages are stagnant, visitors will think your auto business is lazy or doesn’t care about its customers. An automated marketing solution can help you keep your pages current.  That’s without you having to manually update it all the time. Create posts and tweets in advance and schedule them to post over time.

Unleash the power of video to drive business your way.  Contact me to discuss how to turn videos into customers:

Bob Kaplitz

Bob coaches executives and managers on developing their leadership skills, which improves the morale and efficiency of their companies. He mentors individuals through Everwise, which optimizes the way companies develop their people by connecting professionals with the experts and resources they need to be successful.

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