Realtor Tips for Persuasive Videos
First, you might wonder whether you should get into video. Consider these facts:
- YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine in the world
- YouTube is the THIRD most visited website in the world
- Video shows up on page one of Google
- A single video is worth 1.8 Million words
- According to comScore 45.4% of internet users view at least one video online per month
- The average user is exposed to an average of 32.2 videos in a month
- Over 100 Million people watch online video each day
- According to comScore, the average viewer spends 16 minutes and 49 seconds watching video ads per month
- The average website visit without video is 50 seconds
- According to NAR, 73% of sellers say they would list with a real estate agent that would use video to market their property
- The average website visit with video is over 5 minutes.
Realtor Tips for Persuasive Videos
- Look for my comments at the bottom of the screen for the accompanying video.
- Add life to your video marketing by showing family members.
- Keep shots short to squeeze in more pictures of the home.
- Follow a person through the home to show off how the home promotes their lifestyle.
- Pets are a wonderful addition.

Contact me for a complimentary evaluation of your video marketing and for a fresh series of videos:
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