Pitching Prospects Persuasively
You likely don’t like to be pitched. But you want to know about products. Without pressure to buy.

That’s why content marketing works. And it works even better when you don’t just talk but you show. You demonstrate.
Pitching Prospects Persuasively: Takeaways
Show your prospects something they don’t know — but want to.
“Show” is the key word because you play to the power of video.
Show your knowledge of the subject.
Change camera angles to focus on the point you’re making and for variety.
Don’t try to be perfect or force an image of someone you’re not.
Focus on one topic per video to keep them short. Ideally, under two minutes each.
That gives you an opportunity to shoot more.
If you don’t like the way you look or sound on camera, here’s a reality check: That’s how you look and sound. It’s okay.
Contact me with questions or a complimentary review of your video marketing strategy: bob@kaplitz.tv.
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