Team members love recognition. Customers like to know about the people in the company pitching them. More than just text on the company’s website.
Here’s how to accomplish both goals:
— Create as video, even if you shoot it on webcam or phone.
— Keep it short, perhaps two minutes long.
— Avoid fancy production, which can distract from your people.
— Focus on your people.
— Allow themselves to be themselves.
— Capture the most engaging soundbites that would appeal to prospects.
— Emphasize your brand’s promise without it coming across as hard sell.
The video, produced by Google, represents an example. This one focuses on interns.
— Your video can showcase a wide variety of team members and how they serve clients. Their benefit to clients.
— Videos like these can put a face on your brand. In fact, many faces.
— It’s a great way to bring your brand’s promise to life.
— It’s wonderful for morale — especially when team members distribute it through social media like Facebook.
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