How to Get Your Message Across in a Tough TV Interview requires expertise and practice.
This is especially important during a time of crisis — as in the case of the Obama administration’s debacle with the launch of the Affordable Care website. Very few people can take the tough questions and control an interview. The goal, of course, is to communicate your message while the interviewer throws their toughest questions at you.
Should you pass on the opportunity to be on TV. In the vast majority of cases, you should take advantage of it. That’s what many elected officials and politicians do. They see it as free air time to build their reputation and get their party’s point of view across.
As you watch this Meet the Press interview with Nancy Pelosi, look at the comments at the bottom of the screen. They’re front reputation expert Bob Kaplitz, formerly a TV journalist with more than three decades of experience asking the tough questions. In fact, many of his stories appeared on the CBS Evening News.
Here are key points on the subject of How to Get Your Message Across in a Tough TV Interview.
Ask to be interviewed live so you’re in a better position to control the interview.
When you’re facing tough questions, you can give long answers including your talking points, so you can dominate the interview.
The more you talk, the less time the interviewer will have for the tough questions.
The more time you’ll have to get your points across.
When you don’t like the question, give a very short answer, then say, “But the main point is…” or “We need to pull back and look at the big picture…”
Look for opportunities to poke holes in the questions, so you can say “This is another example of misinformation,” discrediting the interviewer.
In addition to watching the Nancy Pelosi interview excerpt on Meet the Press above, see this additional example:
How to Get Your Message Across in a Tough TV Interview take intense concentration. Accept the fact you’ll learn by mistakes. Look for opportunities to practice your answers in mock sessions.
Contact Bob Kaplitz at 214.766.4236 before one of your major presentations — whether on TV or to an audience.
Although my comments were aimed at teaching politicians how to fend off tough questions, many people who saw the Pelosi interview had their own takeaway messages. Here’s their perspective:

Howard Ambruster via Google+

the competency in difficult situations or was she just on drugs that day. She’s completely in a panic can’t handle herself so it’s time for her to get out or get her head put on straight. As for as stopping insurance abuses know they’re making some bigger abuses so that’s not correct. This whole thing was put together too fast and by one side of Congress and railroaded by the President puppet and whoever is behind him by Design for other purposes.

And the lying bullshit continues from Obama “You you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, if you like your insurance, you can keep you insurance.” you liberals are so full of shit and accept the lies of Obama!

Obama did not win by a landslide, and that was before Obamacare. People are waking up that there have been butt fucked by Obama big time!

“The best way to kill a bad bill is to fully Implement it” – LincolnStop with all this giving businesses waivers from obamacare, dont let people stick with their insurance for another year, Let the Disasterous bill Effect every single Person until the entire nation has had enough.Look at the 2012 elections, whether the voters for Obama knew his policies were bad or not, they still voted for him (because his actions haven’t hit there pocket books) once that happens it’ll make a rebel out of any worshiper.
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