Ever Want to Join a Famous Band Singing a Hit Song? Ever think of how to make it happen?
Renown eye surgeon Ron Fellman gets together with friends who love playing music. The group of guys — they call themselves The Others — has been together since the 60s. They play for the love of music while continuing in their medical practices and other interests.
Here was the challenge. Make that opportunity. Dr. Fellman was to play keyboards at a Jewish community center event. One of his favorite songs was the Zombie’s “She’s Not There.” A big hit from the 60s. So how to put Dr. Fellman into the Zombies? He would certainly get a kick out of it as would his band members and friends.
I was fortunate to find an outdoor clip of the Zombies performing “She’s Not There,” which I intercut with his community center performance along with The Others. It cut together rather well, starting with a few seconds of the Zombies, then moving to Dr. Fellman. See what you think.
Consider your own opportunities to cut the past to the present when it makes sense. Look for opportunities to cut video images together.
And if you’re interested in knowing more about The Others: OTHERS@TheOTHERS.us
They do many hits from the Beach Boys, Beatles, Doobies, Eagles, and Three Dog Night.

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